martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011


Original Arcana Obscura Anthology
cover by Carlos de Anda, Jesús Salas y Danyael Cabrera
published in Mexico in 2007


Mónica Castillo is a young archaeologist who
in dealing with supernatural forces
acquired strange abilities to communicate
and cope with paranormal creatures and entities.

Now with the help of her weapon, the Clavicula
(the key to the night), she might confront the dark
within the night.

She is NIX,
Paranormal Investigator.


In this first stage you will find several of the adventures of Nix,
just follow the tag of each episode in the "past sories" menu below, then
there will be a weekly update every Thursday with most recent stories and adventures.

Some of you already know her.
For some others it will be new,
HOWEVER, I hope everyone enjoys her adventures!

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